Giving Back
You give. Go above and beyond. Protect our lives, liberty, homes and community. At MISSION BBQ, we’re right there with you helping out with time, service, fundraising and great food to fuel those extra efforts. Through the generous support of our loyal customers and communities we serve, more than $20 million dollars and counting has been donated for national and local charitable organizations. It’s the right thing to do, and we really believe in these missions below. Thanks.
National Organizations

The Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation
The Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation leads the effort to plan, fund, and build the National GWOT Memorial on the National Mall, in Washington, D.C., on a site befitting the historical significance of service in this war. To get involved and learn more, visit gwotmemorialfoundation.org

Wreaths Across America
What began in 1992 with a trailer load of wreaths, placed by volunteers and laid at the headstones of our fallen at Arlington National Cemetery, has now become a national non-profit with over 3,000 participating locations nationwide — all focused on our mission to Remember – Honor – and Teach. To get involved and learn more, visit wreathsacrossamerica.org

Honor Flight Network
The mission of Honor Flight Network is to transport America’s veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials dedicated to honoring those who have served and sacrificed for our country. The Honor Flight Network is currently serving veterans who served from World War II to the Korean War and through to Vietnam. We also serve catastrophically ill and injured veterans from all service eras. To get involved and learn more, visit honorflight.org.

The USO strengthens America’s military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation. At nearly 250 locations worldwide, the USO is united in their commitment to connect service members and their families through countless acts of caring, comfort and support. The USO is not a government agency, but a private nonprofit organization. Their programs, services and entertainment tours are made possible by the American people, the support of corporate partners and the dedication of volunteers and staff. To get involved and learn more, visit uso.org

Special Operations Warrior Foundation
Special Operations Warrior Foundation supports the families of fallen and wounded Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps special operations personnel by guaranteeing a fully funded post-secondary education to every child of the fallen and providing immediate financial grants to severely wounded. To get involved and learn more, visit specialops.org

Navy Seal Foundation
The Navy SEAL Foundation is committed to America’s most elite warriors, supporting U.S. Navy SEALs, their community and families by empowering and assisting them through challenges and triumphs. Our tailored programs are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of Naval Special Warfare (NSW) warriors, veterans and families. Honoring Our Warriors. Supporting Their Families. To get involved and learn more, visit navysealfoundation.org

Semper Fi & America’s Fund
The Semper Fi & America’s Fund is dedicated to providing immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to combat wounded, critically ill and catastrophically injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families. We deliver the resources they need during recovery and transition back to their communities, working to ensure no one is left behind. To get involved and learn more, visit thefund.org

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation is a nationwide effort to honor and remember our nation’s fallen firefighters. Since 1992, this national nonprofit has developed and expanded programs to honor America’s fallen heroes and assist their families and firehouse colleagues, including an annual tribute weekend for survivors and coworkers. To get involved and learn more, visit firehero.org

Concerns of Police Survivors
Each year, between 140 and 160 officers are killed in the line of duty and their families and co-workers are left to cope with the tragic loss. C.O.P.S. provides resources to help them rebuild their shattered lives. C.O.P.S. knows that a survivor’s level of distress is directly affected by the agency’s response to the tragedy. C.O.P.S., therefore, offers training and assistance to law enforcement agencies nationwide on how to respond to the tragic loss of a member of the law enforcement profession. To get involved and learn more, visit concernsofpolicesurvivors.org

CIA Officers Memorial Foundation
The CIA Officers Memorial Foundation supports the well-being and educational needs of children and spouses of all fallen CIA officers. The Foundation works with the CIA to ensure that when the death of any Agency officer occurs, we become immediately involved. To get involved and learn more, visit ciamemorialfoundation.org
100 Club of Nashville
200 Club Mercer County
493 Firefighter Foundation
911 Gives Hope
Albany County Firefighters Burn Fund
Albemarle County Police Foundation
Albermarle County Department of Fire Rescue
Albermarle County Police Foundation
Alexandria Firefighters